Gregg then talked about The holographic principle–holograms and how we are supposed to be living in a hologram universe. They call that quantum entanglement of the particles are entangled with each other even though they are physically separate. An example– they spun one of the particles magnetically at the exact precise same exact time the other one did the exact same thing. So even though they were physically separate they acted energetically as one. The particles reacted the exact same way as if they were one. They then separated the particles by 14 miles– 7 miles in one direction and seven in the other. Interesting twin photon experiment: scientists took one photon split it into two so it would be the exact same particle. Scientists are still in search of validating this field. We can learn to look at it like a feedback mechanism of our greatest desires in our greatest fears and learn from them.

Number three, the field is a mirror that shows us what we have claimed to be true through our thoughts feelings emotions beliefs etc. Number two, it’s the bridge between our inner experiences and the canvas of the world. The field that was proven in 1987 has three roles–Number one, the container that holds everything, nothing exists outside of the field. We are the canvas, we are the art, we are the artists creating as we go in our thoughts and feelings, emotion, beliefs, expectations, dreams, desires… are the language that allows us to influence these particles, these quantum particles, the stuff of the universe, that makes life what it is. Gregg Braden loved these concepts because he feels it suggests that we are all artists creating our own canvas of life. John Wheeler also found that the particles were influenced by human observation, so if the particles were being observed by someone they were different and danced and moved differently when they were observed and influenced by someone watching them. John Wheeler suggested, we are participants in ongoing creation, which implies we may never find either. They are constantly looking for the smallest particle and trying to reach the greatest edge of the universe, but still have never reached either. One theory is the missing piece is consciousness. The results were published in a nature journal under the title “special relativity”–a scientist named Silvertooth reenacted the Michelson Morley experiment with better equipment and the field was detected exactly as Michaelson and morely thought it would.įor over 100 years scientists believed everything is separate and then if something did occur that seemed connected–it was coincidence.įor 100 years now scientists have been looking for unified field theory– it has been elusive to many of the greatest minds in the world. In 1987 the experiment was repeated under the offices of the US Air Force. There was a Famous experiment in 1887, The Michaelson Morley experiment –the results suggested there was no “ether wind” so from 1887-1986 scientists got it wrong because of the perceptions from the experiment. Those who believe called it the Ether field. I n Search of ‘The Net of Indra or The Field of God of The One… 1800’s late–Scientists argued whether or not there was a field of energy. feeling the same way-challenged and inspired. I hope you walk away from some of this great info. I LOVE to learn & so when I hear great interviews like this, I have to share all I can. While I have been down I watched a great interview with Gregg Braden and was so inspired, blown away, mind expanded, awaken, challenged…and on and on in so many directions. I think you are also humbled at how truly small you are in the grand picture of things. At these moments when you feel so ill you are gently reminded how grateful you are when you feel healthy and strong. I caught some awful viral cold that took me down and I am still having a hard time getting up. Wow, I am sorry it has been so long since my last post.